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You think you are smart? Solve this.(Please dont use the internet for cheating, use your own fucking mind guys. PEACE)

1st=What is greater than God,
       more evil than the devil,
       the poor have it,
       the rich need it,
       and if you eat it, you'll die?

2nd=When is a man drowned, but still not wet?

They are very simple but if you guys got a harder one please post them below.GL

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1st riddle is Nothing?

2nd is being buried alive? This because you're being drowned of oxygen and since it is soil, you most likely are not wet. However soil is always moist which means it is incorrect; therefore you need a different alternative to soil for the answer. That I cannot think of.


A man decides to quit his job, so he turns off the lights, and walks out of the room; 200 people die. Why do 200 people die?

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I don't know the answers but I got a decent riddle that really messes with peoples brains


Three business men are in town on a job, they need a place to stay for the night so they go to the local hotel. The hotel manager says, "We only have one room left but it can fit all three of you and it will cost you $30." The business men decide to take the room and split the bill between the three of them so each of the three men paid $10 for the room. After the business men head to the room the hotel manager notices he made a mistake the room was actually only $25. The hotel manager calls over the bell hop and hands him $5 and tells him to return it to the three business men. As the bell hop is making his way to the room he notices that there is three men and $5, they won't be able to split the $5 evenly so he just puts $2 in his back pocket and gives each of the three men $1 back. Now since all the three business men got $1 back that means they each paid $9 for the room. So three business men paid $9 so thats $27 in total plus the $2 in the mans pocket which adds up to be $29, where'd the other dollar go?

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