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Deadman money making guide

AC Josh

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Hey AC Bros!


Today I have for you a guide to make a fair amount of money whilst being safe for the most part.


Part 1. Money making from scratch on DMM

Ok, so there are a few ways to make somewhat decent ways to make some starter cash while on your DMM Journey. the first being very simple

Requirements: 100 gp, and stats to kill cows

Kill cows or pick up other peoples hides and tan them. People pay anywhere between 350-450 per tanned hide. resulting in approx 60k-100k per hour If you are very quick.



Requirements: at least a few K cash and some food/ Lost tribe quest completed

Go to the basement of lumby and head to where you buy bone bolts. you can buy the packs of 100 anywhere between like 300-500 gp. people in w345 buy these bolts anywhere between 9-12gp each. if you start with 40k you are bound to make at least 40k in profits in a mater of minutes


Part 2. Money making for other peoples needs

Requirements: potentially going into dangerous areas or have items to access certain areas

Many people buy items for insane amounts of money if needed for a quest. for instance, one quest requires mud runes and people pay 10-20k per rune ( granted they only need 1) things like this require certain levels and for this specific example, it requires 13 rc, an earth and water talisman and earth and or water runes + essence. people will also buy quest kits ( kits meaning you sell them every single trade able item required for a specific quest). People pay a good amount for item kits for DT ( I've seen 100k+ per kit when it costs no where near that to get the items).


Part 3. Using quests as money makers

Requirements: questing and a decent cash stack

Quests such as DT,MM and lost city all have specific items that you can purchase afterwards as a reward ; Ancient staff, D scim, DDS and D long respectively. the dragon items usually sell slightly above the cost at the store. the ancient staves however, they tend to sell for 40-70k above the cost of it. Having access to keldagrim will net quite a bit of profit. people buy the marble blocks and gold leaves for far more than the store does.




I know this guide may suck but it is my fire time at it :/  I will add more and format it later!

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Also, if you decide to go the route of non-combat skills, I would say herblore and crafting are two of the best.  You can receive mats for either of them while training combat (chaos druids for herbs or dragons for hides).  Plus they both allow you to invest large amounts of money and make money from within a safe zone.  Gathering skills like mining and woodcutting are targeted by pkers too much to be good choices and they cause you to fall behind in combat stats.

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Several other money making guides that I would also like to point out:

  • Blue dragons with 70 agility at Taverly Dungeon is about 200k an hour with tanning hides. (You can get 40 crafting for guild for safe tanning and increase 1k hide to 1800)
  • Chaos druids with 46 thieve, maybe like 100k an hour?
  • Stealing nats in ardougne is about 40k an hour but super safe as it's in a safe zone.
  • Although buying bone bolts in the Lumbridge cellar is profitable, it is infested with pkers but can net you probably like 300k an hour minus the selling.
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