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Marky Mark is THE nigga.

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So I died afking my slayer task and lost like 750k the other night. Which was a good 2/3 to 3/4 of my bank. I was very upset. So I ask for a boot donation from the community, and Speedy helped a homie out. After this, I found out that you guys do things where you pool your moeny together and stake. So i threw in my last 295k to hopefully regain part of my bank. Mark lost my money, fucking bitch. But then...... But then.... This guy tells me he will kick start my bank if I get some posts on the forums. I fucking hate forums. So i'm going through our forums, and I see that we actually post about some fun and tight shit. Good conversation. I may actually use this place now. Thanks Mark for the runescape and forum motivation yo.post-216-0-69621700-1385445894_thumb.png

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