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Wtf is Deadman

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Pretty much what everybody has said.

It's 5X Experience, it's real quick to level up.
Almost everywhere is a danger zone (dead man zone).
When you die you loose 25% experience non skulled, 50% skulled experience from the stats you do not protect, you can protect two combat stats and three skills.

Example: I protect my range and hit points (Update coming soon where you can insure your hit points, once that comes I'll save my range and hit points).

Also when you die you loose the top 28 items of value from your bank so and that person who killed you gets a bank key and gets your top 28 items.

You have a deposit box where you can deposit items to save loosing them.


Items I loose, stats I save.


My deposit box items I keep no matter what.



You should come through.

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