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Range & Prayer Training Guide.


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So a lot of people ask, where do you train, how do you train. So here it is, i've been training straight range, defense and prayer and heres my method.

I've been training at the level 35 wilderness Green Dragons. How to get there? I've mapped out how I get there, you'd need a games necklace to teleport to Corp Beast, from there you follow the white line.

I train using long range which gets up my defense and range at the same time, I do not bank, I just bury the bones and camp the spot out for a few hours without banking the hides, I just leave them, getting multiple Range, Defense, HP and Prayer levels.

A get away route is mapped out to, south of the green dragons are the hobgoblins now the trick to getting away is running through the goblins, getting the person who is attacking you player jumped, now having a low level attack and strength is perfect for this spot, what you do is, attack a hobgoblin after your opponent is player jumped, and box the hobgoblin and x log (make sure your private is off).


Requirements is 40 + range.


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