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jojo lepr02 might come back

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 just to let u guys know ive not been playing as much as I can and ive not been on for a few weeks but I think I need to write a topic about it as I was a good member of ac and tried my hardest to get on every trip but know I had enough now and so as my girlfriend she hate me on this now,I never wanted to take her out I rather play rs which was bad of me, as she means a lot to me in my life and family and I didn't put her first.

I think im gotta become a clan friend now on ac as I don't play as much now but I wont leave ac and I wont join another clan but I am still going to come on but to only pk/trips only when I feel like it with u guys but that would be it as I cant play the game as I hate it that much......I will still be doing drop party as ive been on ive had just won another 14m at arena so I don't care so u best be on when im on coz I be doing a 10m drop :) gl guys keep owning the wildy xxxx much love jojo lepr02 I hope I get back in to it but not just now

ps upc not getting nothing lol he already had like 5m of me lol

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