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Updates to the slayer developer blog


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Updates to the slayer developer blog mod_mat_k November 18 2013

So based upon feedback, it seems there is a mutual agreement that not getting two of every party hat alongside two of all the other tradeable Christmas items is not the preferred idea.

So instead, we've gone back to the original drawing board plan and are offering two of every party hat, an untradeable rainbow party hat AND an untradeable Black party hat. We'll throw the rainbow one in for good measure but you will not need to cut up any party hats to make it and neither will it retain any street value, it'll just become another untradeable vanity 'rare'.

We've also looked at some of the slayer feedback and there's been some concern over the introduction of additional XP when completing a task quickly through time trial slayer. Instead, we'll go down the route of offering additional points and leave the XP rates exactly as they are.

We've also taken extra feedback on board and are adding the slayer gem to the slayer mask allowing you to right click the helmet to see how many kills you have left giving the helm the same options as the gem. This will be inclusive when building the helmet.

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