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Battle Scape has recently re-opened and majority of Italians and Harassers joined seeing as they was banned from RS2007.


The server has a good player base at the moment and it's growing.

when I started about 5 days ago I got on and there was 150 online, I got on today and there was 200 on.


The server used to be the best RSPS server when EOC came out all the pure & singles clans came over.

I'm talking the server used to hit 1,800 players, TLP pulling 80 + (I was in TLP)

All the other pure clans around 60-70 people, singles teams going out with 20 people it was real fun.

This server has the best combat system out of all the RSPS servers.


I got a few friends who singles pk if anybody would like to come and pk singles with us then they're more than welcome.


It takes a hour and a half to get maxed everything, you  kill 5 monsters to get barrows gloves.

Fire cape & torso you get with voting points (vote on the RSPS Top List).


Each barrows trip you get a barrows item  (you don't have to go under the tunnels etc)

You just go down each hill kill it, the last barrows brother you go down and it'll take you to the chest and you kill it there and after you get your item you teleport back up, real easy.


It'll literally take you around two hours to get maxed and a bunch of barrows items. I'll give people some sets + starter money if they wanna come. 


Just thought I'd put this out there so if anybody when they're bored would like to pk, they can log on, edge is always full.

DH pking, pure pking, hybrids.

Grave yards + west drags are usually popping, It's pretty fun when you got nothing to do.


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Battle Scape has recently re-opened and majority of Italians and Harassers joined seeing as they was banned from RS2007.

I know.

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I know they got banned. I stated that at the top of the topic.


I'm saying they play, and a lot of other singles team play just for the fun.

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I tried one once many blue moons ago and never liked it. Felt like i was wasting my time training when you could do the same thing on the legitimate game.

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