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Corp Trip

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I will be hosting a corporal beast trip this Tuesday 6/2 at 6pm eastern time. In order to be considered to participate in this event you must be 120+ in combat with exception to a lower level that will be willing to be our stunner. The cap limit will be six members including myself. We will be following the official corporal beast rules that were recently implemented. Please see the specifics below.

Gear Requirements- Karils or void mele w/ d boots, fire cape/skill cape, beserker/treas ring, fury, b gloves

Team size- five to six members total

Splits- Rotations/split sigils


Please sign up below if you're interested in joining

Preliminary List- 


1. Panic

2. Sp33dy

3. M4ted

4. Dan

Edited by Panic Twitch
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