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god war dungon pking sets ups

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last few days we been talking about going gwd and we did and we made over 4m in loot with no plus 1s but getting all there god items which some of them are good money (zammy body/chaps are 415k/120k which we got a few)


2-5 needed for this as some1 needs to tb if we get 5 people recommended with 2 tbers as there be a lot of hopping around and we do meet other teams in there which are easy to kill and tank easy running around. which we have done with 5 vs 5 and none of us died and only 1 teled away which is not bad



60 agility recommended to

looting bags are must to as we kill a lot of people with prayer pots


recommend every1 take mage/mele or range but they do camp mele prayer so make sure u have range with u


mage set up which every1 should wear the same as we get more chance of getting a skull on us whiched happened

bandos robes 31k sara stole 8k zammy book nothing bandos chaps 20k (blue mystic top not black) ring of wealth to tele outpost-1462-0-12369500-1431513928_thumb.pn


range set up zammy coif 20k sara vamb 30k bandos chaps 20k glorypost-1462-0-40083400-1431513413_thumb.pn


mele set up  zammy book sara cape/vambs 30k bandos chaps 20k glory

cant upload mele keeps coming up with error


I would make every1 use mage set up as its less chance of them getting away


Edited by Jojo Lepro
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