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Anonymous Community VS Damage Incorporated

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We bumped into Di at gap and fought them for about 20-30 minutes until they got cleared. We had about 26 in TS and it was a really good fight for us because our transitions and piles were on point all the time which enabled us to be at our best. We saw their numbers falling and had control of the whole fight throughout. The fight was at GDZ and then Di were pushed towards NG towards the end. Rot also came 1-iteming near to the end and despite them getting on Di, we were still controlling the whole fight anyway before they came along - regardless of their input, which resulted in a win for us. Thanks for the fight Di and GJ to everyone who attended the fight.CKQ4DH6.pngNUVy6Im.pngkVSvM1P.pngUVjLyN1.pngT3sCcER.pngdXRPJwr.pngVqWxk6z.pngBE8Y4wF.pngrISXA5l.png




Edited by K98 PKer
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