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ACE - Anonymous Community Elites

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For a long time now, Anonymous community has been catering to the needs of their members, yet time and time again our Singles Unit go un-noticed therefore I have made it my mission to create a sub-part of AC.

AC as a whole is a Multi PK Clan, and hopefully with your consent we can create a singles team, just like the rest of all the big players out there.


Benefits of having a singles Unit –

- When our Singles unit outperform other singles teams, people will start to look into joining AC

- It will allow more to do for our members for when they're not doing anything productive

- It will get our name out there for having one of the most elite singles teams out there

- We have already got a base unit for a singles team of at least 7 dedicated members

- A New Rank for the singles members that can allow them to move into a specially created and dedicated channel for when they need to slay their enemies

Also there will be another channel which will be free to all members only (including singles unit)


If you have any further suggestions please comment below, and stupid remarks will be deleted.


The name for this rank will be “ACE Unit”, the singles team will be known as “ACE”.

The idea behind is simple  AC=AnonymousCommunity + E= Elites  == ACE “Anonymous Community Elites “


To gain access to this rank you will have to speak to the designated leaders of the singles team.

The leaders of the team will be decided after testing their skills rigorously.


There will be a Tournament to decide the leaders of this Unit – there also will be a separate post soon to come allowing members to enter the tournament.

And once we have all the members that want to compete, we will find an appropriate date to hold the tournament.


The whole reason for the tournament is to see whom is suitable to represent ACE in singles.

ACE will be a very big part of AC once it get bigger as it will be a way of gaining only quality members that are very dedicated.

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