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Okay i have read what you both said and would like to talk to speedy myself about it since i recruited ange. I personally don't believe either of these 2 are spies. The post count, the amount of trips and activity they have both put into the clan, it would not make sense. Also apparantly, speedy gets shit faced and does this sort of thing. Ange is clueless and has asked me some noobish questions before that i believe were genuine. (no offence ange).


In my honest an unbiased opinion, i really believe these guys aren't spies. Have been on many pk trips with them and have not encounted a problem with sv,


EDIT: At the end of the day i don't call the shots, but i soley am behind these 2 into getting them back into the clan.

Edited by Senses fail45
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Okay i have read what you both said and would like to talk to speedy myself about it since i recruited ange. I personally don't believe either of these 2 are spies. The post count, the amount of trips and activity they have both put into the clan, it would not make sense. Also apparantly, speedy gets shit faced and does this sort of thing. Ange is clueless and has asked me some noobish questions before that i believe were genuine. (no offence ange).


In my honest an unbiased opinion, i really believe these guys aren't spies. Have been on many pk trips with them and have not encounted a problem with sv shit,


EDIT: At the end of the day i don't call the shots, but i soley am behind these 2 into getting them back into the clan.

Thank you. Like I said, we're both new to the whole pk clan scene. If I remember correctly, ange had never really pked at all up until a couple months ago, and I have only ever solo'd or gone with a couple friends. I assume its just a huge misunderstanding with ange, which also makes me involved since ange and I are friends. 

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