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Another successful day out for AC, where we venture into the wild to hunt some weaklings. while the defending champions of P2P (Ancient Fury) were going against head on with the most frightening REGION OF TERROR, Anonymous Community payed a visit to knockdown anything in the way of the fight. while the 1 bangs of ROL too scared to come fight us and where DI couldn't even pull numbers of their inactivity. we took control over the wild and stopped anything that was interfering with the fight. After all the clans ended sv shit the raggers stepped into the wild to get some actions by bullying pures. We massed up took control of the fight and pushed sv shit to their limit and made them return in rags. sv shit couldn't' handle the pressure AC was putting on them and decided to run and logg. while they panic logging we caught several of their members and end up smiting a HASTA. #LESSONLEARNED DONT FUCKING PANIC LOGG U CUNTS. put some of your cash into return sets.NzlIkGv.jpgcZ4e7ct.png9lM9Vq8.jpgnmFN4fW.jpgvsB8xgT.jpgAUPnNbQ.jpgxyjbOYs.jpgJTwYV2r.jpgwvgqkLK.jpgAFCqe6R.jpgyYKV21O.pngj3rhgG2.pngkDZeGBr.pngpdkxhY3.pnguXQ69B0.png6RnG3g9.png

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