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Anonymous Communitys Sunday Out! Ft ROL/VALHALLA

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It was a fine day for Anonymous Community, a fully action packed Sunday was just what we needed. There was no shortage of action, whether F2P, or P2P.
We started off our day with a smaller, tight-knit group of people; despite our numbers we could tell from the start that we we’re going to have some fun.
Our first encounter was with Valhalla, clashing with them shortly before calling a regroup, mainly due to us having a mere 8 members to their 30+.
With excitement, we began to mass, knowing we could get a decent fight from Valhalla, we wasted no time. After gathering up our numbers we arranged a run-in, which was rather short-lived. We quickly transitioned through their numbers, ripping through their members, only losing momentum as RoT decided to crash us.
With the 5 PM mark closing in, we knew we could get a 1v1 prep fight from Valhalla without interference from RoT, as they’d be journeying to F2P. We re-massed, pulling a quick 30 people, only to have the fight called off by Valhalla after 30 minutes or so. It was a pretty big disappointment for us.
Later on into the night we heard that Rol we’re out, and we decided to take out all our frustration on them. The fight was back and forth for a few minutes or so, but turned to our advantage very quickly. After a mere 20 minutes of action, and them losing a substantial amount of sets, Rol stopped returning.
We ended the day shortly after, feeling more than accomplished.
The mere 5 people that SV could muster today spent their time 1-iteming, to no avail.
Good job to every clan that participated in fights today, we’re glad to have you, unless you’re SV of course, keeping the community alive!

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