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DEAR SPEEDY and Members of AC

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It has come to my attention that when we are on Pk trips there are too many people calling piles. I understand everyone wants to help call out piles but the thing is too many callers causes a lot of confusion. I would like to see a new rank introduced into the TS. I suggest MAIN CALLER and BACK-UP CALLER. These ranks should be the ONLY people calling piles out.


There should be 3 Main callers who take turns calling out the piles. While they are calling (back-up) callers are re-enforcing the location, direction, and the name of the pile. 


This will help us dramatically with less confusion.


If you think you should become a caller/backup caller we can practice in clan wars with some events once a week.


Also some other things that we need some work on is our SWITCHES. 2 styles is a must on every trip. When our pile is praying melee do not be still attacking them with melee unless you are spearing, instantly switch to mage/range. The piles will be downed a lot quicker. Witch will let us transition on to the next pile.


Also we need to start dropping piles quicker when the person is dragging us. We are not out to pk sets we are there to clear out the wildy and make a STAND.


I would also like to see people showing more effort returning, if you are low on sets stock up. If your low on cash go out into the game and make cash. Killing Dragons is a great way to make quick cash also going up to Gwds/DKs can be very profitable. All it takes is dedication!


AC has come a long way from the start of 07 and together as a TEAM we can keep progressing forward.


To all the new members of Ac,

Keep up the good work and stay active on our forums for our latest pk trips and events. 

Edited by markymark
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I'm a half decent back-up caller as I call on smaller trips and sometimes during the massive ones when our callers are returning. Easiest way to call is

Name  -  Direction+location - Combat lvl gear - what gear - prayer overhead

That may seem a lot but let's put it in this perspective.

Get on Shadow Dl North of GDZ lvl 122 in mystic prayer range!


Also, no one wants to hear about a guy risking ahrims bottom, or even full ahrims. Also don't bother calling out, oh look ely! They probably bring like 5+ppots anyway.

Let the callers call, should they all die, back-up callers come in, should there not be any on then someone with a decent voice do it.

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Why would ypu post this in public forums lol. But anyways we been doing great recently and we all know I'm #1 lol but keep up the activity guys every clan has there pros and con's it all depends if we are willing to work together as a team to fix it

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