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Current RSN (RunescapeName) - PIETY 0o0

Past RSN's (inc Pre-EOC/EOC & Oldschool) - Piety 0wn

Your Timezone (GMT/PST/EST) -australian victoria

List any / all the clans and or teams you have EVER been in, and why you left / got kicked -

Clan 1 - (PVM or PVP) BRR PVM CLAN< was a admin / general left cause clan died

Clan 2 - (PVM or PVP) hero pvm, left cause i quit rs

Clan 3 - (PVM or PVP) (If more keep following format)

Why do you want to become a Anonymous Community Member? - yes

Picture of your Combat Level & Stats (Inc RSN) -http://gyazo.com/0c8e33d9500372554a73e99afc278a34

Picture of your P2P PKing Supplies [15 SETS MINIMUM REQUIRED] -http://gyazo.com/365bfe81cf69efea963fbb47722b1917

Picture of your F2P PKing Supplies [5 SETS MINIMUM REQUIRED] -http://gyazo.com/6ba9d364a55d9940e9593bde87aa9bf3

Do you know any members in the Anonymous Community? If so name them [5 MAX] - tear of weed is a old old friend, i know s ence, sp33dy20, torrent exe i have pked with before

How did you find out about us ? If by recommendation state RSN - i use to pk with u guys

About yourself -  i work 4 on 4 off, have a family, dont play rs that much, only pk when i play atm

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