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Buying 70 prayer

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I was wondering if anyone could possibly help me out with buying 70 prayrr. I can't attend GWD due to my university homework whilst having a baby and work. I have B gloves and such. I could mayve attempt Vandos or Zammy with my stats, byt it'd be a waste with my 58 prayer.

My current stats are 76att/89str/77def/58prayer.

If anyone can help me out by:

Giving me a job to do for money

Maybe doing a fire cape or quests

Just flat out generosity.

I need a total of a little over 2k dragon bones. Anyone willing to help me will seriously be appreciated!!

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Thanks so much Dandruff!! Whatever you can scroinge up will be nice!!

By the way guys I'm not asking just one person to donate the whole thing, I thought this could be a community effort. As in everyobe put in something so it doesn't hurt anyones bank.

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