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Anonymous Community dominate SV

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Overall it was a good trip but I'm sure we can agree that there are areas where we need to make adjustments. Here are basic, simple ways you can help tremendously by just simply; 1) do not ramble about random shit when we are hunting/scouting other clans. Only sp33dy, scouters, and caller should be heard on the speaker unless you have sensible info. 2) listen and act on the piles our callers are voicing out. Do not make your own pile. This is extremely crucial! Turn your autochats on and look for the spams. 3) when we are all scouting, and you encounter someone or a team, please be specific with your communication. First provide us with names, head count (picture), world, exact location.

These are just suggestions from my observation, anyone else is welcome to further elaborate on this topic.

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