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A.C night out


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ok so last night me and shadow d.i being as bored as we were decided to scout up the wild a tad bit to find straglers spread out all over from there main fall in. so we decided to run to the bank and call a quick mass to feast on some juicy loot as it being late and all we could manage to only grab around 4 members but being A.C and all we gained over 10 in the procces we had managed to get a track on there fall in 4 times in a row l0l! to start the boddie count up then rot being clever wanted to join in on the fight so we had to smack them back to edge bank for them to mass there whole entire team luckly they only killed 3 of us for rag sets when they rushed us a 2nd time but good hustle boys and good teamwork/calling more pics comming soon! gmt basedzjSGfvM.pngkaMMxSJ.pngIrjchjw.png5qdNqDA.pngqE2nmWs.pngbwQ8rCS.pnguHS5Zz3.png

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