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My Bounty Hunter Suggestion.

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I want to hear your suggestions on this and I'll try and tweak this to the best of what I can get for responses on this before I post it on the official forms. I've been thinking of this for sometime and everyone I've talked to about it hasn't givent his any bad reviews (so far, but let's get some community thought on this.) I will link the osrs thread once I do post the suggestion and it'll take alot of support to get anyone to view the thoughts on this.



RS FORUM POST - http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/c=0Sj-p67IuSA/forums.ws?322,323,137,65456908





    With bounty hunter worlds release a boss  would enter the wilderness and be found in 1 of 3 locations when it spawns that would be one of the hardest bosses to date. Not only would this boss be hard hitting and survival while killing this boss would be unlikely this boss would also have rewards that would be anyone killing this monsters dream. but this boss would only spawn once every 2/3 hrs. To help make this boss more tempting any players killed near the boss would only drop 3/4 of their items they are using (same as getting a kill but close to the old pvp/bh style of killing a player i'll explain the reasoning for this more in depth later on.) This boss would drop 5 drops with the top 5 players doing damage to it recieving a drop and would draw not only people who want to try to kill it but also clans, and would result in cluster fights (just what we're asking for in the wilderness).


     The boss would have a worldwide announcement saying how long until the spawn is that way players can group together and be ready to try and kill the boss. Attacking this boss would automatically skull any players just like attacking another player so killing this boss would not be a safe ordeal. maybe implement some of the wildernes boss mechanics into this such as callisto's knock back, vetion's hellhounds, and attacking wtih all attack styles and maybe an increased prayer drain while killing the boss or an area effect such as dagganoth kings or barrows? Along with melee will only damage form number one, range will only damage form two, and mage would only damage form number 3.


    The drops of this boss would vary from 350-750 dragonhides(red/black), 300-800 dragon bones, 80-150 runite ore, yew longbows, magic longbows, an alchemists token (new item that has a random alch value between 800k-2.5m), dragon kite/platebody?)  item's that are already near their cap of being low due to alch prices, that way it wouldn't effect the economy in any negative ways, but also a few new drops that wouldn't be completely game changing but close to top tier with more of a cosmetic status to them, but also a key to a chest located in edgeville bank that contains 1/10th of every item that was collected from deaths of every player that died (from the remaining 25% but also only being 1/10th would still equate to quite a bit of pking supplies that would make any pker happy along with having a money sink to get rid of quite a bit of the pking supplies in the economy.


    Since 1/10th of everytime collected would equate out to being 2.5% of the loot which still is quite a bit it would )  but that the value of killing this boss which could take 10-20 minutes per kill would need to even out with having majority of high value drops more alchables that way most of the items that enter the economy wouldn't cripple the current economy and would be more of a way to gather wealth as a lottery does to giving player's a chance at a high value loot. With the new drops generated the chance of a player recieving this key would need to be 1/100 or 150 so every 20-30 bosses a player would recieve a key as long as the drops were consistent with the drop rate and that one player would accumulate alot of wealth along with the other players who got their share of the pie but the majority would loss out on wealth of their items they used to try and kill the boss. Maybe also add in a 6th place who always get's an elite cluescroll?


    With everyone wanting to get their share of the pie it would require group organization and quite a few supplies to return with but would create an almost non stop place for pvp/dangerous pvm action with quite a few fulfilling rewards if your as lucky to recieve them.

And maybe on the world it could be the bounty hunter world and killing a target is a 1 in 1 or 2k chance of receiving a key and the loot would be another 1% of those items lost? which would draw pkers to want to pk and kill targets on the dangerous pvm worlds. Equally fulfilling pvm/pvpers in on this.



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The only thing is, if there's an announcement, obv the pkers will kill the pvm'er. Even if you have 100 PvM'ers they will all die to mass barrage. Taking 15-20mins is a little too long. Make it like Nex. 

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