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The Story of How I Lost 6m

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This is the story of how I lost 6m around 7:00 AM on 8/4/14. Thought it was pretty funny so decided to share my experience. I got a slayer task of spiritual warriors and went down to godwars. I'd killed about 50 of them when i misclicked on a spiritual mage, which i can't damage. This is where it all went to shit. Since I had just stayed up all night, i was very tired. I tried to run away from the mage, and you guessed it, being an idiot ran right into the zammy boss room. Didn't have a teleport, and at that point i knew i was fucked. Died before i could make it to the altar, cya whip, torso, b ring (i), d boots, slayer helm, rune defender, b gloves. Time to rebuild and get that shit back, no more slacking. I'm not too mad about this death because it gives me incentive to make more money. Comment below stupid things you've done that led to death, and how much you've lost from it.

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Forgot ring of life once in nightmare zone when doing guthans afk. I woke up got on my account and had guthan skirt body and fury left. Lost B ring (i) Guthan spear guthan helm firecape d boots b gloves and 1m cash ;D. 

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