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so basically it was me Jamal and k98 who were planning to go to callisto for 1 hour, and end up going, and as soon as we get there what we see is a shit clan who logged(DI) in and banged me out. 5 man mystic team of DI didn't expect that ac is very strong through at EASTERN/ GMT time zone base. i (BlkTiger) quickly called a 9 man regroup and went out to hunt for DI. After couple of world hops and end up finding Di. Damaged Inc was scared as always didn't have the courage to all logg in and lets their members die and ends their trip. as soon after we clearing the callisto through out all the worlds we set our march towards LAVA DRAGONS. while we regropuing in lavs we fought the ROL'S. it was an awesome battle from both side, but the outcome was decided when our piles were started getting solid and pushed them towards to single and making them logg. Unlike DI rol's werent that shit they came not once but twice to fight us back and got cleared. with our leaders and callers and the support of our magers we took the victory over rol's 3 times and making them end their trip for the night.



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