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Mod Ronan's Zybez Post: Wilderness Activity

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One idea that will FORCEFULLY rejuvenate the wildy is DISABLING the wildy (SO NO PLAYER CAN ENTER) on every world except 3-4, 1 of these 4 worlds can be PVP(I would support the removal of pvp worlds to make the WILDERNESS ACTIVE), another PVP with no protect item, then the other 2 will be deemed either Wilderness worlds OR Bounty Hunter worlds.  In these worlds the wilderness would not be disabled.

What does this accomplish?
1.  Clue scrolls in the wildy are now actually risky, due to having 4 worlds to choose from...
2.  Clan pking, these clans will only be on 1 of 4 worlds, they can no longer HIDE from an opposing clans... This will bring clan pking back into an era similar to BH worlds in 2009.
3.  Single Pkers will now be forced into 1 of 4 worlds, which in reality will be 1-2 worlds (Wilderness/Bh worlds) and hens edgevil will be active again. (Though in order for edge to be active PVP worlds must be disbanded).

Feel free to contribute constructive criticism, or feedback.

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Everyone go post about it on that linked thread, I can no longer Edit the post for some reason, but input your ideas on the Zybez thread.  The above solution was MY SOLUTION, currently the mod posting in Zybez has some shitty ideas. We need to show him some real ideas.

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