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Clan Cup Melee/Range Set Up [15m-]

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The Set-Up Breakdown

Let me know if there is something I am wrong about or need to change please. Thanks!


- Alright so if you haven't bought your gear yet for clan cup I highly recommend using this set up if you have UNDER 10M.


- You can recieve the elf crystal shield in about 2 HOURS and it is slightly worse then a DFS BESIDES RANGE DEFENSE. This is important because if you are called to be piled you will want to protect melee and as soon as you do people will be switching to range and you will need high range defense in order to STAY ALIVE AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. I recommend imbuing the elf crystal shield because no matted what charge of /10 it is the stats will be the same whether it degrades or not. Keep in mind this is for people who can't afford a DFS. If you can afford a DFS I recommend buying once because it has much better melee defense stats.


- Verac's Helm and Skirt are very useful for tanking because of the prayer bonuses they give along with high defense stats. If you are going to purely Range/Spear you should replace they Verac's with Torag Helm/platelegs.


- If you DON'T have a Fire Cape please use a accumulator for the range bonuses. Substitute with skill cape if you don't have either.


- Use Barrows gloves if you have them. I only have dragon =/


- I normally use infinity boots but if you can't afford them use snakeskin boots. Also can be substituted for Dragon boots. 


- I can't stress how important a fury is for clan wars fights. Please make sure you have one.


- Karil's top can be replaced with Black d'hide body if you are truly that poor. lol


- Archers/Berserker Ring depending on if your range or melee stats are higher. I recommend imbuing your rings as well. 


- You NEED DRAGON BOLTS [E] NO EXCUSES. Also bring Diamond [e] bolts to switch to. 200 diamonds/50dragon


Inventory Breakdown


- Full Verac's Set is almost a must if you are going to be using melee. Make sure you have a flail and brassy to go along with your helm/skirt. 


- The Whip can be replaced with a ZGS which I am going to be buying soon. I HIGHLY RECCOMEND IT. The ZGS will serve as a freeze just incase all of our mages get dropped or if we need to freeze the pile.


- Rune crossbow because yolo. 


- 8 BREWS AND 4 SUPER RESTORES. You only need 1 dose of super restore per 3 doses of brew. So if you are tanking you will have more then enough to last through your brews and have 2-3 doses of super restore leftover for prayer instead of bringing prayer pots. 

         - You can replace super restores with Sanfew serums in order to have a super restore/anti poision


- Obviously bring a super att/str and a range pot.


- Everyone NEEDS to bring AT LEAST ONE super energy or stamina potion to each war. It is something that can make or break a fight while tanking. 


- P Necks in my opinion are a must when 10+ people are piling you. Especially with Max gear. Equip in between brews.



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Support, definitely needs to be read by everybody in AC.. do not forget to stock on spears/scims as well folks..Although being a ranger I do not agree that all you need to bring is Dragon Bolts (e) because Diamond Bolts (e) lower defense... so a small stack of Dragon Bolts per inventory is helpful but rangers need to bring both.. Coming from the best Range Tank in AC  :ph34r:

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Get a useful spec weapon like Dragon Spear, Dragon Scimitar, Zamorak Speak/Hasta. I think ZGS is a waste of spec, AGS might be good but I think scimitar is better



Support, definitely needs to be read by everybody in AC.. do not forget to stock on spears/scims as well folks..Although being a ranger I do not agree that all you need to bring is Dragon Bolts (e) because Diamond Bolts (e) lower defense... so a small stack of Dragon Bolts per inventory is helpful but rangers need to bring both.. Coming from the best Range Tank in AC  :ph34r:


I mentioned the spear :). This topic is for people with under 15m so AGS wouldn't be an option for people using this set up. Also I added the part about diamond bolts [e] i forgot about that.

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