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Selling 35 day membership

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Is this guy a joke ? It costs 1m for 14 days

14 * 2 = 28 days

His 35 days - 28 days = 7 days

Therefore he is charging 1.1m for 7 days Lolololololololol

Man no offense but can you shut the fuck up, you are the #1 person I hear people complain about in the clan. I did a 35 day for 3 mil and got it sold a week ago. Seriously I did nothing to you and the way you act on forums goes against everything a clan is about. P.s. Sorry to be the guy to call you out on how big of an unnecessary ass you are.

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Is this guy a joke ? It costs 1m for 14 days
14 * 2 = 28 days
His 35 days - 28 days = 7 days
Therefore he is charging 1.1m for 7 days Lolololololololol

-.- ruhon doesnt even do it for 1m...

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