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Tell People what you think ! and why they should join today ! Bump it!

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this is the forums post of our recruitment topic on OSRS Forums ! so make yourself heard ! Tell people what you think about ac and why they too should join this community !


this is what i had written and can also be used as a template for your opinion based comments


As part of the higher ranks within the clan/community, I must personally say " There is no place like Anonymous Community" it is a place where you will make friends from all backgrounds and races, where all ethnicity's come together and make the community a place where people WANT to be and a place where people CHOOSE to be.

We have very varied set of events within the community, ranging from skilling as a team to Pking in the deepest part of the wilderness whilst going head to head in a handicap vs opposing clans within runescape!


So why are you waiting? Stop reading this and get applying NOW!


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I have been with all the jaja's, been with welfare, been with offthenoobs, 420, lets go arnys team, (RT), pked with RP, have been in a lot of pvm clan's to pre eoc,have been with 3 community's team's........I have seen clan's rise and fall and this is bye far the most fun i have had with a community. 



We as A community we do so much more then just a a pure pvm/pking/skilling clan.Just in the last week we have done cw,fight pits 3 times,like 17 gwd's,did team barrows,dk's,and went pking a lot.WE as a community do more in 1 week then most clan's do in 3.


Hell we even have clue event's where we see who get's the best loots with in 10 clue's just for fun and help out the guy doing the clue,As in walking them to the spot if they do not know where it is.                            


                                                                                    @ AC PRIDE

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