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Since I can't find the original topic

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Here's the story:

A few months ago I got home after being out all day, my fiancee offered to go to my parents' house since she knows I like to go there when I can, but that day I was just too tired and I wanted to scape. So i get on TS, Sp33dy says they're sniping FI/RD and all these other pures but offing sv shit. 


As Sp33dy told me the locs I ran there. The only thing is he was telling me the wrong locs the whole time! He'd tell me 'corp cave!' I go and nothing. He said 'south dwarves! I go there and none of us are there. I see these two pures (from sv shit) piling one little pure. So I decided to kill one of the pures. I put up smite and potted with my DDS heated! I spec'd a 20/20 and then some other hit I don't remember. I tried to switch to my Rune crossbow, but my daughter kicked my mouse and thus left my dds on with spec. I was going to just stay off the pure since he turned on melee pray...until I saw his pray drop!! I then clicked him and spec'd a 27/28 for this loot!!

P.S I didn't know he was sv shit.


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Nice loot mate gz, but 1 question Shadow:  I tried to switch to my Rune crossbow, but my daughter kicked my mouse

do you play on your floor? #NoTableNoProblemSmiteDemAgs

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