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finally back

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Hi guys..


I quit RS over 3 or 4 month ago now due to my internet + computers getting hacked to shit. This included my irl bank, paypal, runescape accounts along with other things being compromised. My teamspeak servers etc all were taken, i've finally managed to get back on track with everything and recovered a lot of things along with all my computers etc being rebooted and cleaned out to get rid of whatever the fuck happened.


wondering if any of the Sko boys are still about in here? would be nice to catch up.


May start playing the game again if i can be arsed to attempt to make back the cash i lost..



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I know it is. I became main when sko ended, i was council there and came over here with josh. I have an intro etc somewhere

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Dont think it was a link, im ubersafe when it comes to that shit. Havent got a clue what happened but lost control of everything on 2 laptops as well as a lot of passwords taken etc lol.

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