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ATT3's activity [READ]

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Yep I have not been active not in ts or events but not have not been online in RS07 for almost  5 days


All started by getting prayer from 82-98 and I ended up at 96 ( I will get it to 98 or 99 don't worry when I get the motivation)


The school is ending Im currently looking for summer job and when summer break starts I  have Army coming in 2,5 months so gg will be eating Ruisleipä and drinking Piimä for next 6-8 months


Logged in to day and changed my Rsn back to: ATT3

+ went to pvp for 1H


Some melee idiot







IM NOT SAYING IM QUITTING OR GOING FOR INACTIVE maybe on game side and ts yes but forums I always check with phone :P

I saw Im not be able to join: Sp33dy20 cc that I saw on the topic couple weeks ago but its fine I have not been active on game anyways




So the idea of this message is to say I'm still here and always will be, don't kick me, don't take my rank


PS: sry for typos da 4ner and I hope every1 of you will have great summer ether doe it have yet not start



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  • Founder

Yea i noticed i removed you because of the past name an never realized it was you i removed. I have added you back now so you can join sp33dy20 cc

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Yea i noticed i removed you because of the past name an never realized it was you i removed. I have added you back now so you can join sp33dy20 cc


Ty sp33dy

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