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AC clash with BC Saturday night action

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After bumping into each other at Draynor in a pvp world, AC and BC demanded the other tele up to GDZ, and both clans complied.  The fighting began and BC was quickly cleared, AC grabbed the loot and began to leave.  At this point another BC member logged in, and more continued to trickle in, attempting to buy time for reinforcements.  Determined to be the last team standing, AC members held the tele spot while other members banked for resupplies.  Eventually BC was able to gather their reinforcements and take control of GDZ.  The fight migrated down to Chaos Dwarves while AC gathered more of their own.  Once the fight returned to GDZ, AC held the location until BC decided the trickle in tactic was not going to work.  Thanks for the scrap BC.








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