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AC VS EZ PVM COMP - January 25th - February 1st

ULF Tagger

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January 25th - February 1st

AC is having a PvM comp against EZ (Elite Zerks)! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO WAGER FOR A REWARD AT THE END PM A STAFF MEMBER, ADVISOR, OR LEADER A list of points for boss drops can be found on the below document  



The competition will begin Monday (January 25th), and last for 1 week, ending (February 1st) . All members are able to participate, but as an added incentive, members are able to wager 5m (paid to the clan account) to be eligible to win a reward should they have some of the top points collected at the end of the week. All drops must be screenshotted with the key word typed in the chatbox. All screenshots must include the recipients name, drop message, current date, and the players entire client. Drops must be uploaded to this forum topic in order to be included in the competition.

Keyword - "uncontested DDMMYYYY" EXAMPLE SCREENSHOT:


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