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Big gains while the clan was on DMM

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While everybody was busy playing DMM i decided not to play it and started to grind on 07 instead. Be ready to be amazed by the rng that i had during this month.


Lets start with some chambers loot.





Casual b2b


Funny story, i got 2 dex splits earlier this day :D


Alot more chambers loot was aquired wich i had not screenshotted since it were not my drops.

Lets close out this boring chambers loot and go straight to some crazy rng. 


I was killing KBD on my Phone since my girl was over and suddenly got really suprised.


Just a casual zilyana trip. First trip ever btw.



Next up in crazy rng is my TOB learning journey. At the start of DMM i had about 5kc, at the end i was at 110kc.


Tough i did not get the drops in my name, i consider myself very Lucky.

First items i had ever seen at 22kc it was a 4 way scythe split. 


While waiting for a 4th team member we decided to run a couple trios, end result? Trio scythe split :D


This was also my last crazy drop since my other 4 purples i saw where all justiciar chestplates for some reason.

Last up in the drop section my journey to the chaos elemental pet!

Got my first dragon pickaxe and second one right after eachother.


 Finally ended up with the pet at 365kc!                                      



Last up two 99's! Only magic to go!





This has got to be the best month i have had regarding rng! Thank you for reading this and i here by bless you with some good rng :D







I dont know what is up but the last 5 screens wont go away.

Edited by Kout40
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16 minutes ago, TomRS said:

That's sick! Some brag about making the 50-100m swapping from DMM, clearly you're winning haha

I played first day of dmm and transfered 28m :D


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