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Sunday PK = free loots

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AC started out the day with a deep wild pk trip at Callisto where we found some braindead pkers risking bank.  Some of the boys were anti pking Callisto while another squad hopped around pking and waiting for the call to hop in.  Easy baits is easy loots.  Later on we found Jaja while we were wrapping up our anti pk Callisto trip.  After pushing them back and taking free sets and +1's, we geared up for the returns.  At Annakharl we waited on returners and gwased them out on the tele for quick Ko's.  Eventually Jaja stopped returning and we grouped up for our official trip.AC geared for the official trip and started at Rogue's castle.  We bumped into a couple small teams.  Not too much went on but the loot was still free.  Being Sunday, revs was the place to be, so we left castle and regrouped to storm through revs.  Every team was out today and we rolled through them for quick kills and loots.  

Before we ended we decided to hit VR for cheating us at our last war, we ran them west to east, killing everyone while raggers teled out.

AC cleaned the wilderness for free loots all day, tomorrow we'll do it all over again.



















Kill Einoisaonia 2020-03-01_14-46-01.png

Kill OYOUDEAD 2020-03-01_17-48-53.png

Kill Toesucker55 2020-03-01_15-04-31.png

Kill War N Peace 2020-03-01_18-06-21.png

Kill WIDE LEMON 2020-03-01_17-31-40.png

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