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need more magers at pk trip's

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id really like to see more mages come on pk trips even a binder helps 79+ mage shud always at least come with  entagle to help us on trip's any one with 82+ mage shud always come with ice blitz+.    If you don't have the cash for full mystic or mystic robe legs and and welfare top just use full ghost,moonclan,wizzy robes, If you have done the quest to get zammy robes TAKE 15 MINS OUT OF THE TIME YOU JUST STAND AT THE BANK DOING NOTHING AND GET SOME SET'S.


if we have 12 ppl on a pk trip and only 2-4 have mage it makes us not want to mage we are first pile and why is that? even if we are in ghost robes and moon clan why are we the first pile over some one with full rune glory d boots whip rune kit? it is because we are the most helpful in a fight,Wen they see only 3 mage's they are going to pile us and wen we are geting piled we can't mage.


As one of the guy's who mage's on all of the pk trip's from the time wen *sp33dy* was a level 90 I was a level 52 i was the only tb'er/ ice blitzer at the time mind you so wen i say i have lost a lot of cash mageing for this team it is not a lie or me crying,I do it to help out AC COMMUNITY GET KILL'S AND TBH I AM GETING PISSED THAT NOT MUCH MAGE ONLY THE SAME GUY'S ON EA TRIP. 


ask any one in here i have never asked for a share off a kill even wen im tbing or the only mage i don't care if i lose set's helping out my team, i think its just rude that most of you don't do the same thing and get mad at the magers and be a dick to who risk way more then you to help YOU out for hiting a splash spell.


I am saying all this now cuz i have been bitch at or just ppl saying come the fuck on mage hit him wtf are you doing well i splash not my doing it is the randomness that is runescape combat that is making me splash and it is always some dumb ass that is in black d hide or rag talking shit l0l.

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Allways the same ppl magic true. I noticed that some dont even have the magic lvl to do it, i asked more then once to train it but they refuse to do it. Ppl with low mage suck an in singles they just pj off the magers... Dont wanne say any names but if you ppl keep doing it i post ur names on forums

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