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Why do you like AC?

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Just smash a few lines or a para why u enjoy being in ac most of yurs will include "cu ruhon fucks sp33dys mum in the creampie hole daily and some of u will put because its a very nuce welcoming community" sp go ahead and pour your heart out ( not you saint we dont accept cold responses u biattch) ( and blk tiger ever heard of katey perry eye of a tiger u are for shureee the "spyeee of the tigr" #Sp33dysMumSucksMeOfAllDayEveryDay

Go go go

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I like anonymous community because it's a great community, everyone is friendly,kind and helpful(except Ruhon he's always too busy trying to get it with sp33dy's mom and getting pissed off when she rejects his small jelly bean size roasted penis too help anyone ;D )

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  • Founder

Well because most of the people in anonymous community are people i know way back in the day. And noone is a spastic except ruhon so it helps grow the community.

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I was forced by Ruhon or he would have put hes turban in my bumbum

No but really founded the community be fun :D


First words I heard on ts was some1 talking like he had just smoked 3 weeks straight just weed :PPP

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