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Ac night out FT Pd/Rot/ruin/Vng/Randoms


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We Headed out for our nightly pk trip.Not to long into the trip we find pd at glory hill,We rushed in dropping Nick Epa on his 4head after clearing em up we took a ending pictures few mins after they rushed back in with ruin/jaja who was in rag so we left.After hopping around finding randoms at callisto/glory hill.Finding Vng very close to Single which we got few kills on.They was basically Scared to leave Singles so we moved on finding rot at gdz which we decided to rush in and give em a fight,dropping some and doing a very good job on sticking to piles,a lot of rot was coming back in d hide and godswords and was 1 iteming us so we Left,End of the the night We did very good tonight and lets keep this up boys.#Ac





pd nick not a tank.png

pd 1.png

pd 2.png

pd 3.png

pd down .png

pd down 5.png

pd cleared up .png

cleared pd good 1.png

vng down .png

ty ruin for sotd.png

ruin cleared.png

random .jpg

random 1.png

random 2.png

random 4.png

random 5.png

random 6.png

random 7.png

random .jpg

random 8.png

random 9.png

random 10.png

random 11.png

random barrage.png

rot 0.png

rot 01.png

rot 1.png

rot 2.png

rot .png

ac vs rot .png

ac vs rot 2.png

ac vs rot 3 .png

ac vs rot 4.png

Edited by Cam Up
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