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Day out FT Jaja,Ct,Fsk,Randoms


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We Started out this morning at Callisto killing everyone who was killing the bear getting some verac's skulled,dropping people left and fight,ran into Ct who was a easy Clear,hopping around finding jaja who had okay gear at start then after dying few times they return in addy/steel so we decided to leave since there's no point in fighting a rag Team,We continued to hop around finding fsk around in good gear even tho they had more then us we stuck in there and dropped some of em,End of the Day we did very well.#AC



bless sprit shield.png

bgs pkd .png

full verac pkd.png

crossfire dies for bank.png

heavy ballsta pk .png

jaja ty for heavy ballista.png


jaja in steel.png

jaja 1.png

jajA 2.png

jaja 3.png

jaja down .png

jaja down 1.png

jaja gear.png

rag jaja.png

torag pk from random.png

sv helping jaja in 1 iteming us .png

ajaj in rag.png

1 bang from jaja.png

another jaja down.png

fake glggs from jaja down.png

lord killa loves losing steel .png

fsk .png

fsk down.png

fks down 2.png

fsk down 4.png

mystic down.png

randoms .png

random dead.png

vng done .png

random dead v2.png

random clan .png

random 1.png

gg fc.png

free mystic from random.png

ct cleared.png

ct cleared 1.png

pegy ct cleared.png

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