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Bryson's Intro

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What is your name or what would you like to be referred to as


What timezone are you in


Current display name


About yourself

I'm 21, I love to pk on runescape. I make videos on imvu and rs i currently only have imvu videos up tho youtube.com/thedcl0

Combat Level (Include a picture of your stats)

Cmb lvl 80 osrs https://gyazo.com/64ea1e29047d90f76719b5e40501abc9 (Screen shot of 82 cmb ) Cmb 62 seasonal dmm ( i got a Late start)https://gyazo.com/8c2cf9c9cf9509e1daf0c9f7037817f5 (seasonal dmm) 

List all the clans you have been apart of (Include why you left/got kicked)

Rize - was an year ago -  i left because most everybody else left

Picture of your return sets 

Dont have any On this account because my other got banned 

Why do you want to join Anonymous Community? (Atleast a paragraph)

I love pking with a clan. I can provide lots of video edits for this clan. Id love to become a part of ac Its one of my dreams i see so many of you on deadmen and i know i can be a great benefit to you and your team. 

List everyone you know in the clan and how long you have known them for and the nature of your relationship.

Ac Dayz - He was my friend last year and reminded me to join

Ac skiller - Hes One of my best friends he recommended me to join this clan



Edited by no1inurheart
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Get that combat up to 105+ and then we'll be talking PKing. For now, welcome and enjoy the community. Make sure you idle in our TS and CC.

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