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My ironman progress...

AC Raw

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Some of you may not now me because I don't come in teamspeak anymore but I was a member/rank in AC a while back and I left because I got bored of pking and I made an ironman, been working really hard on it and I felt like sharing with you guys.
Finally just finished one of the most tedious grinds I've had yet, 85 crafting for a fury, which consisted of about 50 hours of buying buckets of sand and soda ash from charter ship traders superglass making it and glassblowing lantern lenses.
Check out my progress



Here's a small bit of drops I've been gathering from slayer and stuff
Not much but I got a smouldering stone from a hellhound, a zenyte shard and two head drops (namely kurask and cockatrice) which are rare and needed for completionist.

(also about 6m in my kingdom)


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Do you even know what the drop rate of a smoldering stone from a hellhound is?

Hint: It's like getting 8x elysian sigil drops from corp...

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4 hours ago, Alex said:

Do you even know what the drop rate of a smoldering stone from a hellhound is?

Hint: It's like getting 8x elysian sigil drops from corp...

I know lol it's like 1/32k lol

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