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Fatal Intro


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What is your name or what would you like to be referred to as

A: Fatal/Disciples whichever works best.

List all the clans you have been apart of (Include why you left/got kicked)

A:Barrier - The clan died out

What timezone are you in

A: Central

Current display name

A: Dm Fatal, Disciples, Dicksiples, Voids Reign

Past display names

A: Haven't changed my name in a long time.

About yourself

A: I'm 21 years old and live in Wisconsin

Combat Level (Include a picture of your stats) 

A: I have multiple builds, Mainly for pking. My maxed main - https://gyazo.com/fd6cd8fd0bf89036813ff55a8b131fcb   My mid level - https://gyazo.com/d17142bf7e2b59859ca02c45b7ba3973  My zerker - https://gyazo.com/a3d4de04fa996d94763354c321d53d41 And my Sdm account so far, currently training - https://gyazo.com/0d1363aaa7c817c30e9944c2bce16889

Picture of your return sets 

A: I have not purchased return sets yet, I would be playing SDMM until it dies out.

Why do you want to join Anonymous Community? (Atleast a paragraph)

A: I've been looking for a well organized clan for awhile, I've been solo pking through all the seasons so far,

and i'm looking for friends to go pking/clan events with. Seasonal can get rough trying to do everything solo and everyone else

is teaming up on you. I would also be interested in going on clan events on regular servers.

List everyone you know in the clan and how long you have known them for and the nature of your relationship

A: Wilson, But i have not seen him on for awhile. We've known each other since the release of LMS, and talked pretty frequently.

Anything else you wish to add

A: Not much really, just looking to have fun and have fun pking with the group.

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