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Anonymous Communitys Cleaning Up.

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Anonymous Community


We started with 12 people; I decided that we had an awesome trip yesterday because of the Loads of BIG loots and since a lot of people enjoyed that trip. I asked the team if they wanted to do it again? I decided yeaaa lets do it.


We went out and the wilderness was dead for over an "hour and a half". At the time we were logged out. Then, R0T scouts began to log in. We decided that we would stay logged out since Ancient Fury were in Shitty 1-Item as they were scouting about. The people of "AC Community" started to log in which was a massive bonus as most of us were barraging. We then went to the castle which at that time we were massive. Numbers didn't matter at this point, because we were strong, ready, and motivated.


A lot of the guys were patient and stuck to our plan. Since there was still no action and having a lot of people on team-speak, we decided to start the war off and clearing DI brutally. I even tanked them with a full inventory of brews in Mage Gear! We were pure power, and no force could stop us. Soon after we cleared "DI", we got rushed by R0T from behind like always.


That didn't stop us; we rushed back to north of 50s. Once I got the first barrage pile, it ended in a massacre. From then, R0T got largerr and returned in rag gear. LOL. Then at one point, Damage Inc knew they could not defeat "AC COMMUNITY" and asked if they could ally with us. We accepted, because after all we cleared DI and R0T rushed us like pussys so we smacked them even harder!


As the fight moved toward GDZ, R0t returned in 1-item rag gear. We got to a point where R0T's numbers had fallen, and less and less people were returning.


We Started it and Finished it!


#AC Community

































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