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10/31/2016 (Today) and 11/01/2016 (Tomorrow) 4:00PM EASTERN I'm putting together a pvm mass. It's going to be either Bandos, Corp, or Zammy. I'll link the straw poll so you guys can vote. It will be a ffa unless we get a significant drop, which we can split. Say 10 people end up going to bandos and we get tassets. It will still be a 2.6m split that we can put into sets or supplies or w/e. I'm thinking we should do this at least once a week just to make up for loss of sets and supplies during large wars.

10/31/2016 - http://www.strawpoll.me/11545192

11/01/2016 - http://www.strawpoll.me/11545242

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