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I was banned again......

Allu x

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I really dont understand what is going on. Yesterday dripping ink bans me for asking to join a channel.
 I then notify sp33dy of this power abuse and he unbans me and then when i come on, Banterman  bans me when i joined the channel and was saying hello to casper. Not a clue why this is still going on then i rejoin the TS using VPN as i thought i could talk to Banterman and explain the situation and Dripping ink comes and bans me again. Id love to hear the explanation because since i have been back i have caused no drama. Nothing.
I came back to make a difference and its very hard to achieve when im getting banned left right and center.

Hopefully when brad comes on he will sort this out but i hope this doesn't keep happening because Ive wasted a hour already and i only come on at night because i work alot. Just saying that some people just need to grow up and find out the truth before using their power. This isn't a flame topic. I am basically just wanting to know the reason why i was banned as i have done nothing wrong i think i am entitled to a answer.





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