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First LMS Win

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I don't play this game mode for money, it's just for fun. So don't tell me to quit wasting money, that's not what I'm doing it for.

But on my 201st game I finally got a win, haha. 4% win rate! I started off at Stepping Stones and got all 8 chests to myself, looted Dragon Scimitar + Amulet of Glory + Warrior Helm and was able to sell the rest of the loot to also buy full Rune! From there I ran into a guy who had a Whip but no armor and took him out of the game before being way too far ahead for anyone to catch me.

Ended the game with a key leftover and got 3 Bloodier Keys as well, only used melee and had max melee gear, 99pray, Granite Maul + Dragon Dagger.

Used Granite Maul to try to KO and Dragon Dagger on the last guy just to try and get his supplies down and I could always get more spec from my Bloodier Keys.

EDIT: Win rate is 0.4% not 4% even worse hahaahah


Edited by Daddy Dom where da hoes
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