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AC Night Out ft. JaJa Taking off their hands an AGS + ZGS

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Decided to go out on a rag trip to see if we could find anyone worth fighting.  No one was out in gear and we ran into JAJA at Gdz and the fight was on.  Not caring for our deaths we transitioned pile to pile with our powerful smites on hoping to take a plus one off of them.  It worked better than expected and we smited an AGS within 5 minutes of our trip out.  Knowing they would be demoralized we went and sold the AGS mid trip and split it among our mighty warriors.  After that hype we found out that JAJA didnt want to end on that note.  We geared back up in our finest rag and ran into them again at Gdz.  We kept our powerful smites up, taunting them with a "ty for ags".  They still didn't learn their lesson and we wound up smiting another one for a kraken and a ZGS.  After losing these items they were too demoralized to continue and we took our ending.  Thanks for everyone who showed up and good shit AC.  Talk shit get hit kids.  #AC














AGS PK :o 



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