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The End of a Chapter

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As maybe some of you or maybe no one at all, has noticed- I haven't been active at all recently in the clan and reason for that is because I have been trying to work on my IRL stats (lol) and part of that has meant that I have had to give up distractions such as gambling and runescape lol 


I feel like I'm getting to the point in my life where I need to grow up and make something of myself rather than just spending it being depressed playing RS 24/7... I've tried the whole balance thing but every time RS seems to take over important IRL priorities...


Anyway enough of the life story... 


The past week I've spent less than 4 hours on RS just coming on playing a bit of LMS whatever and in todays game I managed to absolute WRECK some kid for his AGS and obviously got it from him claiming my first ever AGS on LMS (Its pretty exciting) 


So because of that I think today is the day to finally quit as I've probably reached the pinnacle of enjoyment that I've sucked out of this game... I've done everything, PK'd everything, been scammed, been BSed, played high, played drunk... just about experienced RS in every way so I feel like theres nothing left for me to suck out of the game


I decided to spend my last 2m playing LMS and the best thing ever happened onit I wrecked a kid for his AGS :-) 



I only ended up coming 2nd but killed the 420 kid so that must mean summin.


Anyway, hope everyone is well and doing well. I'm 50% likely to come back and play casual Deadman mode but thats a decision I will make nearer the time as I don't want to fall back into the RS trap... Hopefully I get rich enough in 2 years I can come back and be a full out nerd for the  rest of my life 



Peace Out Bros! 


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