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Officially announcing my return to Old School...

Just going to share a bit about what has been going on in my life & a few screenshots, showing the progress I have made skilling. Yes, I know what you are all thinking, or laughing about for that matter.. nobody likes to skill, because lets admit it, its tedious & boring. AFKing makes it a bit better, since it is possible to multitask, occasionally clicking on the screen, etc... any real progress however is made by being vigilante, with anything. Since we all know by now, that skilling is an essential part of the game, especially when it comes to doing the Diaries...which we all know have some crazy rewards & features that come with completing the Elite Diaries... Before I post the pictures I wanted to let everybody know you won't find any Pvming/Staking/Pking or bank pictures. This is due to my careless behavior at the arena over the past couple months of on & off again scaping, so since I got cleaned AGAIN around a week or so ago... I felt that the drops I received & money gained/lost was pointless to post since I have nothing to show for it in my bank. The arena is terrible habit that always seems to have the same result, which is why I have decided to come back to the first home I ever had in the clan world. When I originally joined AC, I found that there were so many positives to being active within a community such as ours... One thing stood out more than anything else, when I was active in this community I always had a bank, I worked my way up to being the richest I had ever been in my Runescape career, with my staking addiction eventually becoming non existent as I immersed myself within the community & everything it had to offer. Hope I haven't bored you to death blabbing on, assuming you are still reading this, here is the gallery.. I will post another topic in the very near future showing the bank progress I have made & the new beginning of a sets tab...


Mournings' End Part 1.pngRunecraft Level (68).pngWoodcutting Level (76).pngWoodcutting Level (77).pngWoodcutting Level (78).pngAgility Level (72).pngAgility Level (73).pngFishing Level (76).pngFishing Level (77).pngHunter Level (67).pngHunter Level (68).pngHunter Level (69).pngHunter Level (70).pngMining Level (77).pngMining Level (78).pngMining Level (79).png

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Totally should have titled this "The AC Relapse"

Btw if you have Kandarin hard I think it is Seers agility is most efficient when you change tele locations to infront of the bank all the way to 90 I've heard.

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