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Hey guys, i'm comming back to rs and will start from scratch.


This is the account i'm currently making, it's not a pure, just got the stats from waterfall.




I got a 1,2m cash stack and some crap to start with.


I don't want to begg, but I'm gonna list some low level items that people always have but never use.

- Low herbs

- Low gems

- Mind runes

- Chaos runes

- Salmon/trout/pike/tuna/...

- Leather/cowhide

- Bronze/iron/steel/ ... arrows

- Potions in any dose, energy/attack/strenght/pray/... would really help


If you have any off these and you do not need them, I'll glady take them to help me account get started.
Low level seeds would also help :P


People I wanna thank that have helped me:

- Purple

- Don cruz

- Chaingang

- Shadow DI

- Eleanior


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I have some free low shiz laying around my bank just drop me a pm if u see me on

RSN: Protosega2 (I'm a farming ninja so pay attention, spam the fuck outta my pm I'll prob be afk)

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