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Everyone should get 82 Construtcion

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I was reading the month ahead on the Rs website and this new construction update looks promising. the 2 main things  we should focus on are the Ornate pool of rejuvenation which requires 90 con and altar of the gods which is also 90 cons




Both would be good for pking and pvming as we would no longer take forever to switch a spell book and when we pvm we can tele home go to our pool and tele back to corp for example

you can get a +8 con boost I've don't it so I know its possible you use a crystal saw and just need to get lucky with a spicy stew

I'm gonna do this I think everyone should too and don't think  you're gonna be a free loader and use my house stop being a lazy Obama welfare recipient and get your lvls up yourself its a good investment


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It just costs so fucking much! speacially with the market flipping out now cause of it, I'll do it later ofc but fuck. Too much of an investment, then again having that shit in home tele will be smooth af. Amazing content tbf.

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